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彭勤文 《水科学进展》2006,17(1):113-115
考虑湖泊中影响总磷沉积过程的众多生态因子的变化过程,假定湖泊中总磷沉积过程由标准布朗运动驱动,建立了一个总磷浓度的随机扩散方程,推广确定性富营养化Vollenweider水质模型为随机扩散模型,获得了总磷浓度过程的解析解,进而求出了总磷浓度过程的均值和方差,指出了一种依据沉积系数调控湖泊中总磷浓度的方法。模型被应用于巢湖总磷浓度过程的模拟。  相似文献   
利用高铝粉煤灰制备莫来石微晶玻璃的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高铝粉煤灰为主要原料,采用粉末烧结法制备出莫来石微晶玻璃。X射线衍射分析显示,经1350~1550℃热处理后,制得的微晶玻璃的主晶相均为莫来石。扫描电镜分析表明,较高的温度下热处理有利于晶体的生长。微晶玻璃的理化性能如吸水率、气孔率、体积密度、抗折强度和化学稳定性,随热处理温度的不同而发生相应的变化。1500℃热处理2 h制得的微晶玻璃具有优良的理化性能,在工程和结构领域具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   
1IntroductionPhosphorus,an essential nutrient for the primaryproductivity in freshwater systems,is an important fac-tor controlling lacustrine eutrophication.Although ex-ternal input of phosphorus has been assumed as the vi-tal responsibility for the eutrophication of lakes(ZhuJun et al.,2005),the remobilization of phosphorus insediments has a distinct influence on it as well(Bostr m et al.,1982).The concentrations of totalphosphorus(Ptotal)in the sediments are often related tothe trophic st…  相似文献   
以河北省唐山市陡河电厂李家峪储灰场为例,利用火力发电厂排出的粉煤灰自身较好的防渗性能,结合储灰库区渗漏途径和渗漏段的分布,沿库区周边分期、分段进行针对性排灰,并根据地下水动态监测结果适时调整,使库区周围地下水环境逐步得到改善,得出周边排灰在山区储灰库防渗中具有可行性,其成本低效果显著值得在山区储灰库的防渗工作中推广。  相似文献   
分级分期灰渣筑坝是近年发展起来的山谷贮灰场建设的一种新型技术,是为了满足燃煤电厂贮灰年限和调节洪水的要求的一种新型设计.为满足分级分期灰渣筑坝的设计要求,分析评价初期坝的稳定性与先期粉煤灰灰体堆积特征是构筑分级子坝的重要基础.本文通过水文地质及工程地质调查与岩土工程勘察探讨了麻地湾灰场子坝加高所涉及的相关岩土体的工程地质特征与场地水文地质特征,据此对分级子坝加高的工程地质条件进行了适宜性评价,并通过对堆积灰体物理力学试验分析了粉煤灰灰体的堆积特征与压实程度,为子坝加高设计提供了可靠参数.  相似文献   
光照强度对隐藻吸收铁和磷的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在模拟条件下,通过深入研究光照强度对隐藻生长率的影响,以及不同光照强度下藻细胞对Fe和P的吸收差异,提出了光照强度控制藻细胞对营养元素的吸收,最终限制赤潮藻爆发性增殖的作用途径.研究表明,藻细胞的生长率与光照强度之间呈指数相关关系;隐藻生长的光饱和值与光半饱和值分别为150 μmol/(m2·s)和47 μmol/(m2·s);在低光照强度下藻细胞的生长率较低,但是藻细胞却需要吸收更多的Fe和P,以及Zn、Mn、Co和Mo等微量元素,在光照强度为10 μmol/(m2·s)时,藻细胞生长率仅为光照强度150 μmol/(m2·s)时的十分之一,而藻细胞对Fe和P的吸收量分别提高了1.5倍和1倍.这些研究结果为揭示导致赤潮常在光照良好天气后发生的根本原因提供了全新的认识.  相似文献   
通过一项具体的工程实例,论述了深厚杂填土地基的基本工程特性。介绍了一种处理深厚杂填土地基的新技术———重锤冲扩挤密灰渣土桩复合地基技术,并对施工过程的控制,以及施工效果的检测结果进行了分析,得出了对于大面积深厚杂填土地基采用此技术处理后,能够消除地基深部湿陷性,复合地基承载力可以满足200 kPa。  相似文献   
Particles, less than PM10 in size, emitted from the stack of pulverized coal-fired power plants are of environmental concern since they can easily enter the human respiratory track. These fine particles are examined by Scanning Electron Microscope/Electron Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM/EDX). Plerospheres are found in fly ash and are particles containing smaller particles formed during combustion of coal. The large plerospheres 〉50 μm mostly are present in ESP fly ash, indicating that they are effectively capturing fine particles and reducing their stack emission.  相似文献   
A link between the inhalation of respirable silicas (SiO2) and respiratory diseases such as silicosis is widely recognized. Ash from dome collapse eruptions on Montserrat has been found to contain high levels (〉20%) of silicas in the form of cristobalite, tridymite, quartz and/or amorphous silica. The toxicity of these silica polymorphs varies widely. Cristobalite and quartz (tridymite less well established) are viewed as carcinogenic to humans whereas amorphous silica generally shows a reduced biological response. In assessing the potential health effects of volcanic ash particulates it is vital to determine the types and concentration of silicas as well as their size (respirable fraction), shape and surface properties. The aim of this study is to develop methods to assess potentially toxic respirable airborne silicas in the dome collapse ash (applicable to a range of ash types) and to develop a model to predict the levels and types of respirable silicas from future eruptions. The model is being developed by comparing dome rock with related ash from a series of previous eruption events. Mineralogical assessment using conventional scanning X-ray diffraction (XRD) was hampered by difficulties in differentiating characteristic peaks for cristobalite and tridymite in complex multi-component ash samples (containing high levels of plagioclase). These difficulties have been largely overcome using an Enraf-Nonius PDS120 diffractometer with curved (120 degrees 20) position sensitive detector (PSD). The determination of size, shape and elemental characteristics of ash particulate and dome rock samples has been carried out using automated analytical scanning electron microscopy. The quantification of mineral proportions using PSD-XRD was highly successful with an accuracy of 1 to 2 wt%. However, the determination of phase proportions using automated analytical SEM was problematic due to scattering effects and the multiphase nature of many of the particles.  相似文献   
粉煤灰具有一定的吸水能力,且含多种营养元素,对土壤有很好的改良效果;伊利石也具有吸水性,且含钾量高。采用溶液聚合法首次合成的粉煤灰-伊利石/丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺高吸水复合材料,其吸蒸馏水、自来水、生理盐水倍率分别为1 782,450,117,而国家“863计划”关于高吸水材料的技术指标分别为300,150,50;同时对复合材料的保水性、热稳定性、耐寒性及其二次吸液性能进行测试,结果表明:复合材料具有优越的保水性,25℃条件下干燥8 d,吸水凝胶还可以保持50%的吸水量;在0~120℃范围性能稳定;具有较高的二次吸液能力,可以多次使用。  相似文献   
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